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    Головна » 2010 » October » 27 » Jennifer Hurt Heart ":" Kohaytesya and be positive! "
    Jennifer Hurt Heart ":" Kohaytesya and be positive! "
    Jennifer Hurt Heart ":" Kohaytesya and be positive! "


               Lightweight and simple melody, romantic lyrics, creative videos. Their music speeds up the heartbeat of a few dozen times, and the mysterious smile seduce girls crazy.

    They - seven young and creative people who are not afraid to experiment with styles, play high-quality pop - rock and adoring fans.

    On how the vocalist became a photographer and drummer playing the violin, the new team members and future plans told us Vinnitsa known band "Heart Jennifer."

    1) Who got the idea to create a band and he offered his name?

    Oleg (frontman) - I have an idea to gather people who create high-quality, interesting music. In 2007 the band was "Ukrainian indigo." 2009 is considered the birth of "Jennifer's heart." We decided to change the name because, in my opinion, it fully corresponds to the music we do now - pop - rock. And it happened March 8 - a unique gift to girls.

    2) Do you often change the composition of the group. You spend some castings to find new musicians?

    Anatoly (guitar) - Why? Not so often, we changed only three musicians.

    Oleg. - It so happened that our former drummer Igor Misaki moved to Lviv, and steward George now lives in Boyarka.

    Castings we produce. Thank God, our star helps so that the participants appear in time and there are always professionals. We now have a new guitarist - Yaroslav. And drummer Dennis. We are very pleased with them. This is not only professional musicians but interesting people.

     3) In your groups already formed some kind of tradition? There are mascots?

    Roma (bekvokalist) - My mascot - about people who support me and understand.

    Oleg. - Tradition? We must think about. Talisman we have - dwarf cockerel. Before each concert produce it.

                Sasha (keyboardist) - Yes. His name is ... cache.

    Oleg. - Before going on stage make up his hands together. Even for birthday parties give some suvenirchyky. And on each of our concert it rains. The same tradition.

    4) Question to you, Dennis. Why the drums? You versatile musician.

    Denis (drums) - I have been involved with music since childhood and drums - no limit. First was the violin, then - guitar and piano, drums here now. I love music in all its manifestations, and drums - is her basis.
    5) Do you have pets?

    Sasha. - I just adopt cats. I love animals. Previously there were four, now left alone - black. However, the court appeared to kitty kittens.

    Oleg. - As a child brought cats and dogs grandmother. There is no opportunity, because if I see sincere hungry eyes - feed on the street. Now the dream start sharpeya.

    6) Sport do?

     Sasha. - Regularly go to the pool, and support form. Especially me. Eat like.

    Oleg. - We all love to eat well. But have a limit.

    Denys. - Sport engaged within a morning run and the rock press no more.

    7) Now we know not only Oleg Pilipenko - vocalist, but Oleg Pilipenko - photographer.

    Oleg. - It's true. I do photography. Recently traveled to shoot Mykulynets vessilya. I like to make people beautiful.

    8) How long rehearsing?

    Oleg. - Three days, three, about two hours.

    Sasha. - If you want, rehearse longer to last. All finalizing.

    9) What kind of music are listening to yourself?

    Roma. - Actually I am a music lover. We listen to everything from classical to chanson. The main thing - the music was good quality.

    Sasha. - Also, I like different music, especially pop and chanson, mostly - in Russian.

    Oleg. - I try to listen to diverse composition. I love Lady Hahu recently uploaded new Eminem albums, Riany, the band Korn.

    10) How old are you?

    Oleg. - I - 22, Roma - 28, Sasha - 34, tole - 24, Sergei, our bassist - 25, Dennis - 24. The youngest we Yarik - him 18.

    11) You is not difficult to communicate with such contrasts in age?

    Sasha. - No. Why? Normal. Each of its waves, each - an interesting personality. We are quite useful in this regard.

    12) What films you prefer?

    Sasha. - Psychological thrillers like "Igor mind."

    Roma. - Psychological thrillers.

    Oleg. - I look good movies. If tape or a high ranking awards - must browse. Recently revised the "Prince of Persia."

    13) How do I feel about fans? We have to flee?

    Oleg. - Anything can happen.

    Sasha. - Last time I situation. He stood at the bus stop. And it fits the girl and says, "Oh, but sometimes you are not a member of the band" Heart Jennifer? "I am surprised look:" Heart of Jennifer? "What is it? Group? What, seriously? Never heard of. "

    Oleg. - We love the fans. We try to understand each, to approach.

    14) What's next?

    Oleg. - Now completely updated our website where you can find new information, interesting facts coming soon: our new album "Forever." Its available for free download on the Internet and determine the value of using sms - 1 to 30 USD. How much each deems appropriate.

    15) What fans want?

    Sasha. - Be positive!

    Denys. - Listen to the music that shakes. And if the pump, which I do, it's generally cool.

    Oleg. - Kohaytes!

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